If you cannot start playing even if the player window is shown, a few issues could be considered. Please check the following steps.
On iPhones, the video cannot be played on certain versions of the OS. Please find more details here.
There is a possibility of delayed start due to unforeseen reasons of the stream provider. Please check the stream provider's announcement.
eContent service provides high quality video and audio. In general, below 10Mbps internet speeds may cause difficulty when playing the content.
The content may not play properly when there is filtering or access restriction settings. Please disable such settings for viewing.
You can test to see if you can properly enjoy our service from this link.
If you have a domain based restriction setting, please allow the following domains.
[For iPhone Users]
Please make sure to disable the low power mode. If it is set to ON, please turn it off. To find out how to set this feature, please visit this link. (Apple Official Support)
Please make sure that a performance management feature for battery usage is not active on your device. If it is activated, please turn it off. Note that this may unstabilize the performance of your device. Please visit this link for more detail on the performance management feature. (Apple Official Support)
The device maintenance may be running during 1am-5am on weekdays. If so, a 500 error (temporal disconnection) may occur. This will resolve by giving it a few minutes and reloading the page.
Please note that in some cases our reply may not reach you due to the filtering of your e-mail software or other reasons. Please be sure to include your phone number when making an inquiry.(Sorry We are japanese only.)